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Privacy Policy


《博彩平台推荐》(HIPAA)赋予患者知情权,让他们了解医疗服务提供者的隐私做法, 以及关于他们自己受保护的健康信息的权利.

As health care providers, 我们被要求向我们的病人分发一份博彩平台推荐隐私保护措施的通知.


Joint Notice of Information Practices

Effective: April 14, 2003

本通知描述如何使用和披露您的医疗信息, and how you can get access to this information. Please review this carefully.

马萨诸塞大学纪念医疗保健是一个有组织的医疗保健安排(OHCA). 本联合通知适用于本手册中列出的会员组织和医生.

Patient Privacy

At UMass Memorial, your privacy is a priority. 我们严格遵循联邦和州的指导方针,为您的医疗(受保护的健康)信息保密.

Protected Health Information

受保护的健康信息(PHI)是关于您过去的任何信息, present, or future health care, 或者支付的医疗费用可以用来识别你的身份.


Use and Disclosure of PHI

When you visit a UMass Memorial facility, 我们使用和披露您受保护的健康信息来对待您, 获得服务报酬并开展正常的保健业务. 我们也可能与符合我们隐私要求的签约业务伙伴共享信息. 我们如何使用和披露您的信息的例子包括:

  • Treatment – We document each visit and/or admission. This documentation may include your test results, diagnoses, and medications, and your response to medications or other therapies. This allows your doctors, 护士和其他临床工作人员提供最好的护理,以满足您的需求.
  • Payment -我们记录您在每次访问或入院时获得的服务和用品,以便您, 你的保险公司或其他第三方可以支付给我们. 我们可能会告诉你的健康计划即将到来的治疗或服务,需要事先批准.
  • Health care operations -医疗信息用于改善我们提供的服务, to train staff and students, and for business management, performance improvement, and customer service.

We may also use the information to:

  • Recommend treatment alternatives
  • Tell you about health benefits and services
  • 与其他UMass Memorial OHCA成员或商业伙伴沟通治疗, payment or health care operations
  • Send appointment reminders
  • 征得您的同意后,与参与治疗的家人或朋友沟通
  • 如果你入院,请将你列入来电者或访客的住院名单*
  • Respond to media inquiries should they be made*
  • Let clergy know if you are admitted*
  • 联系您支持麻省大学纪念基金会(筹款)*Services followed by an asterick (*) are optional. 告诉招生员或筹款人(如果联系的话)你不想参加 .

在没有您签署许可的情况下,我们被允许或被要求披露医疗信息的时间有限. These situations include the following:

  • 用于公共卫生活动,如追踪疾病或医疗设备
  • To protect victims of abuse or neglect
  • 用于联邦和州卫生监督活动,如欺诈调查
  • For judicial or administrative proceedings
  • If required by law or for law enforcement
  • To coroners, medical examiners and funeral directors
  • For organ donation
  • To avert serious threat to public health or safety
  • 为国家安全和情报等专门的政府职能服务
  • To workers’ compensation if you are injured at work
  • To a correctional institution if you are an inmate
  • 对于研究遵循严格的审查,确保信息的保护

之前未描述的其他使用和披露只有在您签名授权的情况下才能进行. 您可以在任何时候以书面形式撤销您的授权.

Our Responsibilities

法律要求马萨诸塞大学纪念医院保护您医疗信息的隐私, provide this notice of our duties and privacy practices, 并遵守当前有效的通知条款. 我们保留更改隐私惯例的权利,并对我们所维护的所有信息实施新的惯例. 修订后的通知将张贴在我们的设施,将可从您的医疗保健提供者.

Your Rights

You have the right to:

  • 要求我们限制使用或披露您的医疗信息的方式(我们无需遵守您的要求)
  • 要求我们使用特定的电话号码或地址与您沟通
  • 检查并复制您的医疗信息(需要付费)*
  • 要求修改您的医疗信息(要求理由)*
  • 收到关于如何披露您的医疗信息的说明(不包括为治疗而披露的信息), payment, health care operations, and some required disclosures; fees may apply)*
  • 即使您以电子方式收到本通知,也要获取本通知的纸质副本
  • Register a complaint
  • Opt out of our inpatient list or fundraising requests

*Request must be in writing

To Contact Us


如果您想行使您的权利或您认为您的隐私权受到侵犯, contact the privacy officer:

UMass Memorial Medical Center
Hahnemann Campus Privacy Office
281 Lincoln St.
Worcester, MA 01605

所有投诉都将被调查,你不会因为投诉而遭受报复. 你也可以向华盛顿特区的卫生与公众服务部部长投诉.


All UMass Memorial facilities and services including:

  • UMass Memorial Medical Center
  • UMass Memorial – Clinton Hospital
  • UMass Memorial – Community Healthlink
  • UMass Memorial – HealthAlliance
  • UMass Memorial – Marlborough Hospital
  • 马萨诸塞大学纪念医院和医疗中心
  • UMass Memorial – University Commons
  • UMass Memorial MRI – CMMIC Branch
  • UMass Memorial Medical Group
  • Private, hospital-based physicians
  • 其他私人医生在我们的机构工作

每个OHCA成员都有个人责任遵守隐私惯例, 以及解决自己的隐私投诉或侵犯行为.

Contact Information

Health Services

Office Location
Office Hours
  • Health Services is open Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
    Health Services is closed when the University is closed.

  • Directions:
    从公园大道或伯奇街可到达卫生服务处. To get to Birch, 走Maywood街(朝Park大道方向走),然后右转到Birch街. Follow the signs to the Health Services building.